The Geekly Guy

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Sunday, October 27, 2002

Well, I took back the 80GB 7200RPM WD hard disk that was only showing 32GB. All I wanted was an exchange for a new one but they didn't have them in stock, so I went 120GB 5400RPM WD instead. :o(

I don't get this...Tekram ( had BIOS ROMs for flashing and the latest one wouldn't read 80 or 120GB drives. Granted, this is an older motherboard, but damn...It'll read a 60GB drive fine. I had to use alternate jumper settings for this drive to even be detected, then I had to install EZDrive. During the EZDrive install, these warning messages kept popping up, stating I couldn't use XP/NT with this drive since the BIOS was old.

I'm wondering if there are aftermarket BIOS tweakers out there. I bought a replacement BIOS when I thought the current BIOS was messed up...bought it from a company that specializes in BIOSes...dunno if they actually flash them with upgraded code though.

Well, I'm gonna call it the night. Laters.


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