The Geekly Guy

This blog contains information regarding all things Linux, although any computer technology subject matter fits within the realm of this blog.

Wednesday, November 13, 2002

My wife came home today, so I've been really busy with the family. The babies are so excited that they didn't want to go to sleep tonight, but I wouldn't allow them to stay up...they'd skimped on their naps today and were in serious need of sleep.

What'd I do in Linux today? Nothing, but email, a bit of web browsing, and IRC chatting. I still need to locate a good IRC info bot. I was attempting to use Amethyst but it segfaults after about 2 minutes of use. I suppose I can get rid of the admin bot (named 'sl-5500') since I also have 'chanops' in use. That still leaves me with a need for a good info bot, though. :o\

I also intend to update this site, now that I have blogkomm working...things like adding links and maybe even daily news.

What I want to start doing is either mention here what I do in Linux each day, or start a Linux Blog (or maybe even a blog for each distribution/machine I use). We'll see how much time I'll be having to myself once the wife gets back into the swing of things (and when I start job-hunting in earnest).

Well, gotta pillow is calling me!


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