The Geekly Guy

This blog contains information regarding all things Linux, although any computer technology subject matter fits within the realm of this blog.

Sunday, November 03, 2002

Oh yeah...any of you check out Great site for the sports car and film enthuiasts. The films will move you. In fact, a new film was released 1 Nov. I will check it out tomorrow.


I guess I was wrong...I THOUGHT I saw, on TV, that there'd be a new BMW film released 1 Nov, but at their site, there are no recent releases. I think one is scheduled for release mid-month (14 Nov?). Another thing: It doesn't seem like they archive older movies...a pity.]

Debian 3.0 is now installed.

I'm working out some kinks:

During the installation (this was a weird install), I was asked if I wanted the ATI Radeon framebuffer device module installed into the kernel and I opted for 'yes.' I should have said no, because I can't get X working. I edited /etc/X11/XF86Config to run the fb device but X still won't start. 'dmesg' states that the 'radeonfb' is loaded and a monitor is connected. It looks like I'll have to go on Google to search on how to set up the 'radeonfb' for X.

Also, I couldn't figure out how to set up my current lilo.conf to boot Libranet, XP and Debian. All three are on different hard drives. I'm trying to figure out how to add Debian into the fold.

I must say that Debian, so far, looks sweet. I'm using the EXT3 journaling filesystem, along with kernel 2.4.18-bf2.4. Installing was tedious though, as I had to continuously swap seven installation disks. Other than the above problems, the install was flawless.

I've already delved into apt-get, grabbing things from the disks and the internet. Shweet!

My wife will be home within ten days! I can hardly believe it. I haven't seen her since August, and she hasn't been home (other than 2 days at a time, once every 2 months) since April. I don't know how the kids are going to act either, as they are very young. One is old enough to talk to her mom on the phone and talk about her every day, but the other is young enough to where she might not know who mommy is when she gets back. Sad...but we all have to make sacrifices to our jobs and our country. Our family is only one of many many military families, but nonetheless, its painful.

Goodnight all.